Sparta is the county seat of Alleghany County. The community was named for the ancient city of Greece. The latitude of Sparta is 36.505N. The longitude is -81.121W. It is in the Eastern Standard time zone. Elevation is 2,927 feet.
The estimated population, in 2003, was 1,818.
Male 835 people, 46.0%
Female 982 people, 54.0%
ages 15 or younger- 272 people, 15.0%
ages 16-24- 207 people, 11.4%,
ages 25-44- 442 people, 24.3%,
ages 45-64- 459 people, 25.3%,
ages 65+ 437 people, 24.1%
Total population 1,817 Square miles (land) 2.37 Population per square mile 765.22
The average commute time for Sparta workers is 18 minutes, compared with 26 minutes nationwide.
More Facts about opens in a new windowSparta at Wikipedia.
Facts about opens in a new windowAlleghany County, North Carolina at Wikipedia.
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